Corned Beef with Green Beans Anyone?

It was almost 7pm a couple of nights ago when my dad called me from downstairs asking me to start cooking our dinner. I was on my laptop doing what I usually do (i.e. Tweeting, Facebok-ing) when he called me.

Lazily, and a bit madly, I went down the stairs and proceeded to the kitchen. The stove had no more gas so I had to wait for the delivery guy to bring it to our house. I waited five, then ten, then fifteen minutes for it to come to our gate, but no luck. I was already very irritated because of standing by our gate in the darkness waiting for nothing.

I barged in and told him "Why can't you ask her (my sister) to wait for the guy instead?!" She wasn't really doing anything at that point so I felt it was unfair that I was doing all the work. My dad said, "I'll do it." When he didn't come out a few seconds after, I screamed at him again "I thought you'll go out?!" He just stood up and went out without any comment.

I was surprised by his reaction. I thought he would scream or get mad at me for being rude. I guess I've taken my dad for granted (again :( ).

I went back to the kitchen, prepared the rice for cooking, chopped up some veggies, and prepared the shrimp. I saw that I had some water bottles to fill, so I went on and did that as well. As I was doing all these, I've been having mad imaginary conversation in my head about how my sister's doing nothing and here I am, doing everything.

I still did what I had to do. I prepared all the other ingredients for dinner, waited a lot more for the delivery guy (who finally came after lot's of phone calls to their place), prepared the table, fed our pet rabbit, watered some of the plants, and cooked our dinner (which included my new recipe Corned Beef with Green Beans, hence the title).

Yes, I was mad at my dad for seemingly making me do all this without help (all my sister did was wash the dishes - which I hated doing the most). I was also mad at my sister for not helping me and just staying upstairs the whole time. But it all melted away when I started realizing how hard it was for my mom to do all these day in and day out, but she never felt this way towards us. I never heard her complain about not being able to do what she wants while we get to do whatever we fancy. She may sometimes cry out that some part of her body hurts, but she would still do all the work wholeheartedly even if she was very tired from working.

Now I try my very best to lessen the work my mom has to do at home now that she's back. And I will always keep in mind whenever I would here my mom how tired she is or how her back hurts that what she's doing for us is as hard as it gets.

Lots of Love,

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