Hunger Games inspired Beef and Plum Stew

Like people from all over the world, I am also a part of the Hunger Games series craze. I read all three books in six days and suffered from tired and twitching eyes afterwards. But it was all worth it! And aside from the story itself, the food that was incorporated into the book also caught my attention (being a little foodie myself). As I was reading the book, I badly wanted to have a taste of the roasted groosling, all the various breads, and the mouthwatering Lamb and Plum Stew. So after reading the series, I went on and looked for recipes online of the stew. I was able to read a few recipes and modified them to fit my liking. In my recipe, I used beef instead of lamb because beef is more accessible here in the Philippines. This isn't really a food blog, but I felt proud of what I've made that I wanted to share them. Happy cooking everyone!

Lots of Love,

Hunger Games inspired Beef and Plum Stew

It may look like Dinuguan because of the wine that has thickened.

1 kilo beef brisket cut into 1 to 1 1/2 inch cubes
2 medium sized carrots chopped up the same size as the meat
2 medium sized bell peppers (1 green and 1 red) chopped up the same size as the meat and carrots
3 large onions chopped up lengthwise
1 cup pitted dried plums/prunes
1 bottle red wine
2 tbsp. oil
1 beef bouillon cube
3 tbsp. soy sauce

1/4 tsp. pepper

  1. Lightly brown the beef brisket in 1 tbsp. oil in a pan large enough to fit everything latter on. This can be done by batches so as the pan is not overcrowded during the process. A thick gravy may be formed by the end of all the frying. which is fine. Pour the gravy into a cup for this will still be used later.
  2. Saute the onions in the same pan with the rest of the oil. Keep cooking until the onions are caramelized and soft (after about fifteen minutes). It will be reduced to about half its size and taste nice and sweet.
  3. Set the onions aside and brown the carrots a bit.
  4. Set the carrots aside and saute the bell peppers.
  5. Add the beef and the gravy and mix everything up.
  6. Add the soy sauce and pepper and stir.
  7. Cover everything with the wine.
  8. Dissolve the beef cube in the sauce.
  9. Cover and simmer for an hour or until the meat softens. The sauce would be thicker and would have lessened in volume.
  10. Just before switching off the heat, mix in the dried plums.
  11. Serve with rice, bread or mashed potatoes and a salad. Enjoy!

Note: When we ate this, my mom felt it needed some kick, so I added a pinch of chili flakes to the leftovers and it turned out even better.

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